On 30/05/2011 GoUp! wrote:
for some of us where climbing has become a fundamental pillar of who
>we are and has been for decades (and with luck I'll become a lifer), there
>is more to 'it' than just lines on a map and grades. Yep, back then we
>were having a snigger at the names. I hope since then that I have grown
>older, wiser and more mature. I hope this 'maturity' has also allowed me
>to see that history and names is a really valuable component of climbing
>and its culture, and makes climbing far more interesting than just your
>latest ascent.
That is hilarious...you just completely missed the point of calling routes obscene names.
"Authoritive", "truthfullness", "preserve history", "precious insights".... It's Chris Baxter all over again!
Graeme Hill must be rolling around in fits of laughter at the thought that people are actually taking his route names seriously!
Please, One Day Hero, it's time to come to the rescue and take this thread back down to the gutter where it belongs!