Anyone done this "fine multipitch extravagarden lately? " It gets a star in the guide book but I felt the crux pitch stem was heading into run out lichen Lindorff desperate and backed off. The easier left hand varient was more to my liking, totally vegetated ant infested, the fine 3rd pitch 19 slab completely mossed up with a run out to fill the trousers straight off the belay , avoided with an obvious grade 12 crack 2 metres to the left for most of it. And the classic 5th pitch did have an excellent 12 metre section but hardly worth a star if the full 300m is taken into account. We traversed off right here as the cracks above seemed fully overgrown.
Buffalo is great but was thinking stars on routes like this are the reason we only saw one other party climbing there the whole Easter break and the weather was awesome.