MULDOON!!!! no way man. no way. I cry on second on that one. I agree about bullet buttress. hammer and cartridge arette for newbies but if you defo want a grade 10ish one. i'd go the dribble (I did that without crying) and Mesa -only a little cry. nude balloon dance -reckon that ok -not going to get terrified on that. Also exploding tomatos would be ok.
Pedro - too hard for a newbie, as is piccolo - I split that into 2 and still needed more draws. horn piece v. scary -try conifer crack first. i can also support that camalot is scary as is hold up line -I've still never done that on lead. (probably never will now -It's my deamon!
When you've seen that they've not freaked out on mesa dribble etc... by all means go piccalo - x