On 7/04/2010 nmonteith wrote:
>On 7/04/2010 Auspep wrote:
>>We also cleared the track down to Crater Bluff and cairned it the whole
>>way. We'll do the bluff mountain track again next trip.
>Ah! That explains it. The first day i walked in i pretty much had to bush
>bash down the guly - and then on the way out there was suddenly a lovely
>path. Thanks! It made it a lot easier to negotiate at night.
Having done this same walk to Crater Bluff on a moonless night and enjoyed the experience, and in contrast to Neil's view, please dont clear/enhance/cairn tracks up there. Personally I find the ambiguity adds to the adventure....When people take varying routes through the terrain the impact is dispersed and the sense of remoteness and connection with the landscape is enhanced (for some).