>Still not seeing much of a risk of being fined.
>Say you are parked somewhere along this road and a Parks Vic ranger finds
>your car. He calls up the Police in Hamilton or Horsham to send a car out
>to slap a ticket on the car for the heinous crime of driving along a perfectly
>good road that hasn't had its insurance assessment done yet.
>Do you reckon the Police would bother with this?
All the Ranger has to do is record vehicle details etc and VIOLA!
Send it off to the Police and you receive an infringement notice.
Being a dick and driving around closed signs is only dragging out the work, and could compromise PV getting insurance$ to fix roads.
And for the Information of James Mac, all the bitumen roads running through the Grampians are managed by Vicroads.
Also read my previous comment of someone caught by plod at Abrupt. $250 and 3 demerit points.
Also, being behind a legal closure invalidated any insurance you may have, and should you break down RACV or towing company can charge you as much as they want to recover your damaged vehicle.
Unless you a re a litigation lawyer or civil engineer who has assessed the roads you really don't have any arguments against the closures.