I'm sure you'll have an awesome trip - it's an amazing place.
Some of the good easier stuff I've done there includes Vertigo (grade 10), Cornerstone Rib Direct (15) and some 14 on the left side of Bluff Mountain.
Cornerstone Rib is just an awesome line, a huge amazing day out and a fun descent.
I did Out and Beyond too, but found the route finding tricky - but had fun on whatever we ended up on.
Not sure if you've seen it yet but there is a little info on the ACA site and some topos I've whipped up a while ago. If you get any good photos of Out and Beyond that I could turn into a topo please do send them on to me and I'll add that route to the ACA site. http://www.climb.org.au/index.php?page_id=10&action=subregion®ion_id=161