I lived in Perth for two years and apart from the sand and the wind I like the place. It's a bit like living in Melbourne if you're a climber. All the really good stuff is a bit of a hike but there is some decent climbing near town. The quarries up in the hills offer some ok stuff. Mostly manufactured but way better than climbing in the gym over there. Margret River is cool. Not a huge amount down there but in such a great location. Kalbarri Gorge is awesome. 6 hours north though.
The surfing is pretty good for me. Summer it's flat in Perth and you need to head out of town but winter is insane heavy beach breaks. Especially at Scarborough. One of me best surfs was when my board was in getting fixed. I took the body board out and had a late afternoon/early evening in glassy 3 foot with the sun setting. I'll never forget sitting under the lip gliding along looking at the sun through the back of the wave. Wave after wave till I couldn't see where I was paddling anymore. Top 10 moment right there.