yes Waiting for a princess has a hell of a lot of bolts and I won't be doing that spacing again. I had some input from a scardy cat while preparing the route and took it.
M9 - I'm not sure why the grade of Lord Gumtree changed either - I sure didn't do it. Feel free to e-mail Kevin if you like. Perhaps updating the update to include this info once this is confirmed by another source would be useful.
Will - sorry I just cut and pasted out of the Buffalo guide update re Edge of Pleasure - so yep it should be changed to include the first pitch (and yes I should get up there and do it as it sounds awesome!). If you're interested in taking over updating the VCC Buffalo guide update I am happy to e-mail you the word doc and you can add anything new you know about (looks like someone has added a new route at Mackey's lookout left of Geoff Gledhill's massive long moderate route too - but not sure about other developments - I didn't make it up last season as I've been focused on development in the Grampians).