On 14/06/2010 gjoh wrote:
>In his defense,
>1) All items are stated as new and unused....
Ok, my bad - I didn't realise that the items were unused. In this case, the price is definitely a bargain. Although, in saying that, even though Rock Hardware is selling them for $44, if they were 2nd hand, it seems to me that $25 per draw is a bit steep? Or maybe I've just been spoiled by the large number of incredibly cheap deals going on in this forum of late???
>2) you'll find this is the correct link
>At $44 a draw
>Not bad value if I were in the market for 2 draws
I can see what you're saying Steve, and I understand that ice+gloves+notch = shit, but when it comes to draws, some people just need to man up. Who cares if some draws are "less fancy" than others?
I own these, but with a solid straight gate ontop.
I've had people, on more than one occasion, complain about having to use them on sport routes due to their bulkyness! And one person even refusing to take them tradding.. Seriously, man up! A draw is a draw.
Don't even get me started on the person at the crag who said he wouldn't even try and clip the next draw on his project if it wasn't a petzl spirit...
Yeah, Well, just thought i'd give a bit of a rant cause i'm in a bad mood from staying indoors studying all day and missing out on this perfect climbing weather.