I know this is a Queensland issue, but this has broader implications and could negatively impact climbing Australia-wide.
The blow-by-blow has been happening on qurank.com over the past few weeks but we're now at the stage we need your help.
Basically, DERM have released a draft management plan for Mt Coolum whereby all climbers would be subject to a permit to climb there, as well as having insurance and being a member of a peak body for climbing. As you can imagine, this would utterly suck, be largely unenforceable and plain discriminatory given that other users of the park (bushwalkers etc.) are not and will not be subject to permits.
It's a slippery slope and if they manage to enforce this in one Queensland National Park, there's a high chance of it spreading to the other National Parks and setting a precedent that could then be followed in climbing areas Australia wide. It's just plain nasty, and an ill-advised way of trying to solve a management 'problem' which doesn't actually exist (up to this point, climbers have been working collaboratively with Rangers under a 'Memorandum of Understanding' which sets down the guidelines we follow).
We currently have a call to arms asking all climbers (not just Queenslanders!) to formally respond to the draft by email. We have a list of suggested points that people should make in the email. The details are on this thread. If you want to read the background or participate in the discussion, that is in this lengthy thread.
Responses close April 4, so you only have days to respond. If you can set aside the time, please go ahead and do it now.
In a state with far less rock than NSW or Victoria, an enduring legacy of closed cliffs (Shady, Western Wall, Dinosaur Rocks etc.) and bureaucracy gone mad (Mt Coonowrin), we cannot simply stand idle and wave goodbye to yet another premiere cliff. This is a fight against our own collective apathy. We've lost this fight before. Not this time. Please help. Send an email. That's all.