It is interesting that only in down times do people start to blame someone (their fund manager, their advisor etc) for their losses. During positive years - 38 out of the past 51 years (including this year, looking at the ASX All Ordinaries only) im sure this message would never have been posted. It may actually have been quite the opposite: i paid my fund manager $750 pa, and got double digit returns for 31 out of the past 51 years! I'm not saying shares are the way to go, it depends on your situation.
Should you be interested in what investment options are available and how they can effect your retirement goals, then i suggest you speak to a reputable financial planner. A good planner will talk to you about your retirement goals, whether you are on track, and if you're not, then ways of assisting you to reach your goal. They will charge you too- but a good planner will add many times that in value over the long term, whether it be in tax savings, free money from govt etc.
Disclaimer: i am not providing general or personal financial advice. I recommend you speak to a qualified financial planner who will prepare a personalised plan for you. This post is not a personalised plan.