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General Climbing Discussion

Todays Australian newspaper.

Phil Box
2:26:47 PM
In the Australian newspaper of todays date I notice that they have used a picture of a climber doing a deep water solo to make a point. The pic appears in the Waelth section of the paper. It is not attributed. Does anyone here know who took the pic and whether it was ripped off the inturdnetz. Can a newspaper use a pic like this for any purpose. Is this fair useage.
2:33:17 PM
It can use it as long as it is listed as public on the net. I did some work for the age and abc and google was my best friend

2:35:12 PM
how many pictures say they're public tho? if you put a pic up on a web site you still have copyright over it. google image search does not make an image fair game
2:53:34 PM
there are different categories for ripping images. is the easiest to understand for this... if a pic says 'all rights reservered' you can't use it. If it says 'some rights' then you can use it for non-commercial uses but have to attribute it. Then there are others you can do whatever you want to...

check out

3:31:39 PM
On 15/10/2008 Phil Box wrote:
>Can a newspaper use a pic like this for any purpose. Is this fair useage.
This is as long as you use it for study purposes only.
9:28:53 PM
On 30/10/2008 Zebedee wrote:
>On 15/10/2008 Phil Box wrote:
>>Can a newspaper use a pic like this for any purpose. Is this fair useage.

This usage would require the express consent of the copyright holder, typically & by default being the photographer. Unauthorised usage is copyright infringement and puts the ball in the photographers' court as to how the wish to deal with the situation.
Not much point going to the effort of stealing photos when you can get them legally for a few cents off a stock site! :S

>This is as long as you use it for study purposes only.


8:02:55 AM
I did a teaching course recently and they told us to use whatever images we felt like in our prepared materials so long as we cited the source on the page. Sadly i didnt use any climbing photos as my obession had not yet reached full maturity.
8:33:48 AM
I believe there are slightly different rules for when you are using the material for educational purposes.
9:22:15 AM
The image in the newspaper would be classed as "For Commercial Purposes".

Citing the source does not give you the right to use the image, you still have to comply with the relevant copyright for the image. Even for educational purposes....Any site that has pirated material will usually state that it is for educational purposes only, this doesn't stop you from having to comply with copyright.
Go to any stock photo/illustration site and you will see the terms copyright/licensing. Some sites individual images will be terms of use and others where you can buy royalty free photos in individuals or whole CDs worth have different terms of use.
The owner of the copyright may give you permission to use it for educational/personal use but not commercial. They may give you all permissions to use the image as you see fit as long as you credit them for the work.

9:34:41 AM
Legislation for electronic artwork for educational purposes as per CSU guidelines

Images/artistic works electronic original

You can always copy artistic works from an electronic original, unless you have agreed otherwise, for example when clicking ‘I Accept’ to the Terms and Conditions of a website.
12:55:12 PM
You are correct GravityHound but don't forget what educational purposes is actually defined as.

Copyright for Teachers/Students and Educational institutions is different to individuals not undertaking study.

Images/artistic works - electronic original
Part VB of the Copyright Act allows staff and students of Charles Sturt University to copy/reproduce artistic works from an electronic original (e.g. from the Internet) for educational purposes, unless you have agreed otherwise, for example by clicking ‘I Accept’ to the Terms and Conditions of a website. The image must be available in electronic form, you can’t digitise it yourself from a hardcopy source. When using artistic works copied from the internet, you must display the appropriate copyright warning notice. If using these images in a PowerPoint display, the warning notice must be displayed at the beginning of the presentation and all images must be properly referenced from their source.

I am sure that CSU would also pay a fee to CAL (Copyright Agency Limited) as they do with an agreement with the music industry.
2:47:06 PM
That looks familiar...The route is Afroman (7a-ish), one of the most popular DWS lines in Mallorca.

Mallorca DWS

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