Just to clarify and few things, yes i live in NZ, but i am Aussie, have a Ba Ap Sci in natural resource management and have working threatened species conservation work in NSW.
Studies have proven that there have actually been more possums (ringtails and brushtails) in urban yards that have dogs than those without. as the dogs keep the cats away and the possums stay away from dogs in the trees.
I am as green as they come,
Cats, foxes, weeds, fire regime and loss of habitat are the fundemental threats to wildlife and domestic dogs is way down the list ( with the notable exception of koalas in urban areas)
Wild dogs are a different story but thats not what we are talking about.
Dogs under control in bushland (on leash or command) are not a threat to native animals. But as i said before, firstly i respect the land manager which means generally NPs and farmland are out which leave a very few crags on private or council land.
the situation is similar in NZ and there are very few crag that you can take dogs to.