"...Derek, I've stopped responding to all the beta requests because it's all sounding like a bit of a
troll to me, you keep asking the same questions over and over again, and then come up with
more questions that are not really that serious, like a sit start? what is that!.... the waves will be
crashing around the base on a good day, and smashing up to 6/7 meters up the tote on a
medium swell, then up to 20 m up the tote on a heavy swell day! surely you can't be serious!!!!!
thats why I don't answer your questions anymore!!! It sounds like your trying to have a lend.
I don't react well to people having a go for no reason, look at my past reactions on this site and
you'll find I have a history of flaming the fools on this forum! It has made me unpopular!
But I don't care about that, No apologies, just trying to be true to myself, and say it like it is.
If you are really contemplating having a go at this amazing climb, then do yourself a favour, and
don't demystify it into oblivion, leave some of the adventure in it for yourself and it will be a
memory worth savouring when you are too old to crank any more, and are just a crank!
Your grandkids will love the adventure and gleam in your eye when you tell them, "how exited
and terified at the same time" you managed to "read the sequences" and just barely made it to
the summit block and stood up and shouted "I made it" knowing in your heart that it was you
who did this!!! not a prerehersed pre studied pre cliped (read empty) experience.....!
Just have a lash man!!! whats the worst that can happen? I garantee the experience will be
better not diluting it the way you have been doing so far.
Kind regards [ ur cyber mate ] ... '
Dude !!! its all OK !!! :D
You aint ' unpopular ' !!!
I really haven't repeated any qus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sit start ? --- it DOES get calm SOMETIMES ...