On 22/05/2006 BoaredOfTheRings wrote:
>Funny I generally don't bump into anyone during the "week" when I go there,
>and if I did I wouldn't have a clue whether they post on c--kstain or not!!
thank f--- i have a job then, that way when i go out on the weekends due to working during the week, i don't have to put up with ignorant morons like you at the crag boared. maybe you should follow your friends like a good little sheep, piss off, and share your c--kstain with the rest of you cowards who think you are all big men (or women) by broadcasting your completely one eyed views to us all, trying top be top shit, while you don't even have the balls to put your name on the end!
I first joined on 13/8/2002. I have been with this site for almost 4 years, longer then the few of those who now flood the forum with utter bullshit. Way back when, and i quote....
On 13/08/2002 alrob wrote:
>Highly dislike Black Hill, i'm just not a slab climber
through my.....
On 13/01/2006 alrob wrote:
>mouswey, when ya headed sown this way,,.....i tghinm it wise to catch up
>for a drink, the n maybe head to some internet nert acccessss.1
and then this. This site has been going downhill for a long time, and its no one elses fault other then those who hide their pansy arses behind an alias, thinking its funny to troll the site testing peoples patience with inane, thoughtless opinions which i regard as shit on my shoe. So, to make this easier for those people to understand, i've put it in pictorial form, so as to save your tiny intellect from straining to hard in trying to read and process the following information....

Those of you who know me may find this behaviour a little (or a lot!) strange, but enough is enough. I guess you could say i've finally snapped. What began and a great resource for victorian climbers to converse, all made possible by Mikes dedication to climbing and the persuit of promoting it, is now just another forum of spitting, harrassing, namesless insults and cowards opinions.
I so wish that it could go back to how it was, or for everyones sake, somehow purge the site of all those who seem to be f---ing it up. But it can't.
I respect people like simey, who while tends to draw a lot of fire over his very opinionated views, is willing to stand up and say, "this is what i think, like it or piss off". People like Mike, Neil, Dalai, Jaq and the other mods out there, the job you do on this site is beyond a simple thanks, but thanks anyway for all the tireless hours you put into maintaining this site. So, i can understand that this post probably won't make it through the night, but hopefully it does, because i think someone needed to say it.
This is my opinion, and if you don't already know my name, click on my profile and you will find it. If you see me at the gym or at the crag, don't hesitate what so ever to tell me what you think, because i have the greatest for respect someone who will voice their opinions. I hope that those who climb with me don't think of me any less either. Although if you disagree with what has been said here, please know that there was no malice intended, I just could no longer contain my frustration any longer.
Laters people, maybe i'll turn up on the forums again when there is some intelligent debates to participate in, but until then......