Fires are currently increasing in activity in the Sierra Range, north of Dunkeld, and at Asses Ears on the western side. Residents in the Victoria Valley, Dunkeld, Glenthompson and Glenisla are asked to be on full alert this afternoon.
Going fire of more than 116,380ha in size with a perimeter of 350 km. There has been an increase in fire activity particularly in the southern & eastern sectors & further fire spread will occur. Fire control lines in the Victoria Valley may not hold the fire under today’s weather conditions. Dunkeld, Glenthompson, Victoria Valley, Moyston, Willaura, Halls Gap, Wartook, Laharum, Pomonal, Mirranatwa, Brimpaen & other adjacent communities all are threatened during today. More than 480 fire-fighters on the line. 190 NSW fire fighters will commence operations today. Aircraft including 2 Skycranes are being used. There is significant smoke reducing visibility in the area around the fire and roads closed as the smoke spreads. Will generally move in the direction of Dunkeld today.