Unless you get unlucky, the weather in Arapiles can be pretty damn good for climbing over Winter. Higher chance of rain, but plenty of clear sunny days. No snow at Arapiles, just frosty cold mornings that make you unwilling to leave your sleeping bag.
Average temperatures and rainfalls (and average number of rain days/month) for Horsham, to give you a rough idea for Arapiles:
APR - 8.5 - 21.5oC, 31mm (7 days/month)
MAY - 6 - 17oC, 47mm (11 days)
JUNE - 4.5 - 14oC, 50mm (12 days)
JULY - 4 - 13oC, 47mm (14 days)
AUG - 4.5 - 15oC, 49mm (14 days)