I still believe that smoking a joint has a calmer effect on my mind and body than smoking a bong. That comes from my smoking experience. Maybe you have, I don’t know, a different body and different experiences, but that’s ok. It’s not like ill call you names for expressing your opinion or anything.
You are quite correct about the technical term of ‘THC’ and the fact that it is indeed ‘absorbed’ into the lungs (you should have said diffused, it would sound more sciencey).
However there is a small difference. The filter system of a bong is based on water rather than whatever you use on a joint (metcard?) That is a difference that might contribute into the smoker getting more stoned. Then there is the pressure that your lungs have to endure to pull the air through the bong. This is more pressure than usually required in a joint.
But no, it’s the same product, therefore you achieve the same result whatever method you take it. That’s clearly conclusive. Like drinking a beer, or drinking a beer bong, I’m sure it’s also a ‘scientific fact’ that those two products are the same, and therefore will have the same effect.
So I am going to continue to smoke joints, and not smoke bongs.