On 11/05/2005 itchyfingers wrote:
>the problem comes by having such open access to an experiance like that
>for non-climbers is that most people will not go about it in that certain
Good point. The Nepalese Government is totally digging the peak fees they charge for Everest, so lots of
rich bumblies turning up each season is a-ok by them (as far as I am aware). The Sherpas do most or all
of the hard hauling, all the clients basically have to do is haul themselves up and down, though many
have the guides or sherpas to hold their hand doing that too.
I would like to see stringent requirements for each person who climbs the mountain directly responsible for
remove all their rubbish: O2 bottles, broken equipment, food wrappers, even their own poo. and a hefty
fine for non-compliance as well as a get the F**k out of nepal and never come back sort of cheerio. Make
the guiding co they went with responsible in addition, so that they would be much more likely to get with
the program. If the Nepalese went a step further and banned o2, then there would be way less rubbish,
and less novice climbers, too. and less revenue, so I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
Just making people take all their shit off the mountain would be a big step forward.