On 7/05/2005 rhinckle wrote:
>what's wrong with long posts?
>they take no time to download.
length of post may not be the primary issue, otherwise I might have had my arse kicked good & proper by
the mod's
>if a picture is worth a thousand words,and pictures are acceptable,
>(strangly enough, the acceptable ones are about a thousand educated and
>circumlocutary words) why be shy about what saying what you think?
no comment
>which is worse?
>smoking , smoking and leaving butts behind, or being a chockstone contributor
>on the weekend?
>it means that you are not working, and you are not climbing!!
>rhinckle says:
>guilty your honour
Mr Hinkley, your sentence is to build yourself a huge home Woody. Thenceforth, it is required by the court
that you train on said woody three times in the course of each passing week. three shall be the number of
weekly training sessions, and the number of weekly training sessions shall be three. or more. You shall
gather to thyself on occasion fellow climbers of good and proper acquaintance with whom to train and
drink of the fruits of the brewhouse and the vineyard, at which time, it is right and proper that much heated
air be generated. In addition, it is stipulated that you shall enrich your lexicon with the following words in
common usage among woody owners : "dude", "bro", "righteous", "bad-boy", "sick", "wicked", "fully",
"heinous", "totally" & "awesome". In addition, it is advisable to obtain a stereo system, the volume of
which your neighbours will experience as somewhat disturbing, as well as a selection of bandannas to be
worn at all times when in the vicinity of one's woody. Please remember to smoke downwind of those who
care about such things, and dispose of any butts in a responsible manner.
So sayeth this court in the matter of crown vs hinkley
**normal programming has now resumed** |