Sometime last week, from Monday 25 April to Saturday 30 April, some low-life climber types have helped themselves to most of the quickdraws that were in place on Breathing Gasoline at Millenium Caves. They are 3 grey/green petzl draws with spirit carabiners and 3 red/black black diamond quickdraws with red gates.The THIEVES took 2 from the anchors and 4 from the lower section, demonstrating their base and incompetant nature by being unable to take the final 2. If anyone knows who took these 'draws or who was up at Millenium last week, please contact me.
This is probably a good time to educate any innocent climbers who are not aware of this protocol, as a similar event happened recently at Arapiles when all the qear was taken from Cobwebs. (In fact this sort of nonsense has been going on for years)
When working on trying to climb a route in one go, climbers often leave a route FULLY equipped for days, weeks or months. This is to avoid the often strenuous and time consuming nature of repeatedly taking gear on and off a route that is hard for them and also just sheer laziness!! This does NOT mean the gear has been abandoned!! I can understand if 1 or 2 pieces( a carabiner or wire) are left, it is probably safe to assume it is discarded. What I cannot see is how a whole route of 10 quickdraws can be considered free to take. The only conclusion is that the climbers are BAD, and badness ,as we know, must be punished!!!
All we be forgiven, however, if the gear comes back, anonymously if you like.