While old knackerbags is cyber-snoozing (you snooze you looze punk) and dreaming about the 70's, here's a Photo from the Trailwalker event. Excuse the wanky faceless action but I kinda have to, more for the other guy than me
Check out how knackered is the bloke on my left
On 12/11/2002 Hex wrote:
>Whatever happened to Kate Cerebrano? Rremember that song: "young boys are my weakness (I just love the sweetness)". The Hex loved the 80's-gay-pop-movement, Boy George, Bros, and Wham - all their songs captured the essence of Gay England in the 80's. Indecent Obsession were my favourite boy band of the 90's. It was such a great time, I remember it like it was yesterday. Sometimes on a Friday night Hexy likes to dust off the leather pants and crank up "wake me up before ya go go" and have-a-boogey-party with Gonsarlo, Serge and Jose, it's gold
Well, old smokey, you might appreciate this one then,