(Exclusive to Chockstone!)
As a follow-up to the Grampians Comprehensive Guide Volume 1 (2019), Volume 2 has just been released and is in stores.
Covering another 55 crags in addition to Volume 1, this concentrates on the areas immediately south-east and south-west of Halls Gap.
Of course the next question is "what about the Landscape Management Plan?". The guide was printed and distributed just before the final Plan was released. Based on the draft Plan, the guide does include information about crags that have been assessed and are OK to climb that aren't covered in current guides, such as Eastern Wall, Stony Peak, Bundaleer (all routes, where open), Equinox Walls and others.
Many of the other crags are marked as 'to be assessed'. We hope this process will continue and over time the majority of these routes will be available. Regardless this serves as a historical record of all the climbs in the crags listed. (Plus there's a bunch of great photos including some classics from the 1960s!)
Happy holiday reading.
Steve |