On 8-Dec-2019 E. Wells wrote:
>Whether Im working out of Mullewa , Ceduna , Brewarrina , I have no idea
>what T.O is because I spend most of my time walking in the outback but
>I know that EVERY single natural feature has been sacred to humans and
>every meter trodden before me , and in that 40+ thousand years beleif systems
>and stories have turned themselves over many times , none the less , I
>am a climber. I like to climb on rock. If that offends a uniformed government
>agent with criminal powers to rob me monetarily then im not going to stop
>climbing , I will just do my best to avoid the coming fascism. If you are
>not a climber thats ok.
So basically, you only support other people's rights if they don't interfere with yours (which means you don't support them at all). You don't care about the consequences of your actions on others, even if they are fellow climbers. And you describe all authority figures, even if democratically instituted, as "fascism".
Some might say that you, sir, are a nitwit.