It must be my time for disappointment, as although I login to Chocky from time to time I haven’t seen many of the old Chocky bro’s / sis’s doing so...
A few that come to mind off the top of my head ...
simey - maybe footy has snaffled him completely?
Wendy - maybe too busy blogging these days?
WW&S - maybe didn’t survive his latest adventure?
Eduardo - who knows what motivates him these days?
Kuu - was getting on in years, still alive?
BA - defacto VCC historian due his memory plus Argus background - unusually quiet given the current Vic climbing controversies.
Wallwombat - was always good for a different insight.
Mousey - now there’s a dude that went places, but did a wingsuit finally claim him?
That expatriate South Australian dude that went to Singapore to pretend to continue climbing... is he still shonking the locals?
What about that other bro that went to Solomon Islands, returned and started climbing up the far north coast of NSW - did the Nimbin factor veg him out too much?
Lotsa others, too numerous to mention -
Shed light appreciated from any that remain...
PS, was good to see posts recently-ish from nmonteith, onsight, M9, Imalizardworshipfan, Daliah, ODH and maybe a couple of others that escape me at the moment. |