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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion
General Climbing Discussion
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Grampians Access 2019 |
10-Mar-2019 At 11:30:15 AM |
Duang Daunk
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On 10-Mar-2019 Nottobetaken wrote:
>On 10-Mar-2019 The good Dr wrote:
>>One of the sad, crazy and ironic things regarding the current furore
>is that the person responsible for the Black Ian's debacle is a guide who
>can continue to operate in the grampians.
>What is with this policy amongst climbers of 'he who must not be named'
>bullshit? I've seen this before in other states whereby an incident has
>occurred that has gone completely against what the majority of climbers
>believe in and uphold - only for the perpetrator to remain 'anonymous'
>despite several well known people having the knowledge of exactly who it
>was in the first place.
Agreed bro.
Name and shame to let them deal with PV for their misdeeds, instead of us being squished for them.
>That said, it's pretty clear that PV had this on their radar to begin
>with, and no amount of stakeholder meetings or otherwise was going to change
>that. It seems PV are operating on a 'depends who you talk to' policy -
>and deliberately confusing the issue through inconsistent and/or lack of
>communication toward the climbing community. Not even Cliffcare understands
>the picture and in many cases simple phone calls by climbers themselves
>or face to face meetings are gaining more clarity. This is obviously a
>PV strategy, as the more climbers are confused by what closures are in
>place, the more climbers will confront the situation with Parks officials
>on the ground, leading to some pretty colourful conversations. If I drive
>6 hours from Adelaide, 14 hours from Sydney, or 4 from Melbourne - only
>to be met by a PV ranger telling me that xxx area that I'm in is closed
>only to climbers (despite no communication otherwise/no signage/and contrary
>to notifications on their website/ABC radio interviews and the like - I'll
>be telling them where they can stick that.
I dunno. PV is a bureaucratic unwieldy organisation. Shit happens under its own momentum, but I acknowledge your conspiracy theory in as much as it only takes one flavour perpetuated from a strategic level within it to colour the general agenda.
>Finally, so much for...
>On 15-Feb-2019 ademmert wrote:
>>On 14-Feb-2019 gordoste wrote:
>>>Let's be clear - this is a test to see if climbers can be trusted to
>police ourselves. If we do not obey the ban, the areas will never be re-opened.
>If we prove we can respect others, we will get respect in return and can
>start a conversation about whether some of the areas can be partially reopened.
>Clearly this is utter bullshit.
Yeh, benefit of the doubt touchy feely thinking there for sure, especially while ever we don’t even out the original perps, not that it’ll make a zip of difference now I’m guessing. Still it’d make me feel a whole lot better to throw them under the bus for the greater good!
... And on the “what’s with” flavour, I’d expect some kind of PV sanction on a LTO miscreant for bolting over indigenous art, so why hasn’t it happened? At the least it’d break down the us and them distinction from our perspective and if there’s any justice (karma?) then PV could rightfully refocus their attention towards sensible middle ground. |
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