The moderators, reflect the moderate or conservative views of contemporary society, where, as Scatterbrain once sang, ‘the government’s your mother’. The era of litigation, ridiculous court decisions, and those three little words we love to hear, OH&S, operate on the principle that life is inherently safe, and that if we die we are not responsible. Bullsh1t. Life and death are inextricably linked. As Jim said, no one gets out of here alive. There are a million relatively safe occupations and sports. Discounting the high incidence of lightning strikes, golf springs to mind. Surfing the net also. Why try to make climbing like these inane pastimes? Surely the reason for going climbing in the first place was that it was exciting and different.
I’m writing this late on a Sunday. Clearly, neither do I have a g1rlfriend. Elsewhere in other worlds not so far from where I sit, climbers are coming home to empty homes, and logging on to climbing forums, to relate what climbs they’ve done, and that their boots were too tight on Punks: