On 2/07/2015 mikllaw wrote:
>I was talking the Jules Lines (Tears of the Dawn) about when he got 'The
>Fear', and soloing seemed hard and scary. it was after a smallish paraglider
>My unpiphany (?) was after a few racing crashes. Do many people lose their
>temporary immortality climbing, or do we just age out and look for a reason
This hasn't happened to me as such, though age does seem to give a different perspective. Having children does also make you realise that the decisions you may make might have wider ramifications, but then again I wasn't ever that brave and I could count the times I've pushed my limits while climbing on one hand. Also, once you reach a certain age, chasing numbers, or onsights, seems pointless...
I don't think my climbing partner would mind me saying, that after his father died unexpectedly a number of years ago, he bought a climbing helmet and was initially a lot more circumspect about climbing, this lasted for a few months. He doesn't wear his helmet very often now though... |