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Esky & food thief in Grampians |
29-Mar-2015 1:32:05 PM
With the Easter weekend approaching, just offering a heads up that we had an esky and food within it stolen in the Grampians a week ago. Pretty annoying as there was a yummy lamb roast inside.
Perhaps the era during which you can leave everything out is sadly coming to an end. It was probably inevitable it would happen as the climbing population grows and we don't all know every climber in the country. That said, our thief was probably just a normal tourist person as opposed to a climber.
Consider locking things in your car if they'll either be expensive to replace, or stuff up your weekend if stolen and force you to drive out of your way to town to replace stolen items such as food (& always have a few backup items even if just tins of tuna, stashed in the car, so if you get stuck you can avoid a trip to town to replace stolen food. And yes, we did have backup food.)
Our thief is believed to have a nut allergy, since he/she took everything except items that were either obviously nuts or might contain them. How rude to take a lunchbox of mixed nuts out of the esky and leave them behind as a "no thanks, some of your food items are not good enough for me even when they are free" gesture.
Anyway have a great Easter weekend climbing folks, and don't pinch things from other people. It's bad manners and karma will get you one day.
29-Mar-2015 2:41:25 PM
That's a bummer.
There are periodic bouts of theft in the Gramps, most opportunistic stuff with people driving past unattended campsites/cars. I think Glenn Tempest had a stack of stuff stolen from his car at Rosea back in the 80s.
This particular thief should be fairly easy to deter in future though : put a sign on your esky "All food prepared with peanut oil"
29-Mar-2015 3:52:04 PM
Where were you camped?
29-Mar-2015 5:59:12 PM
On 29/03/2015 climbingjac wrote:
>With the Easter weekend approaching, just offering a heads up that we had
>an esky and food within it stolen in the Grampians a week ago.
Thx4 the heads up.
>Our thief is believed to have a nut allergy, since he/she took everything
>except items that were either obviously nuts or might contain them. How
>rude to take a lunchbox of mixed nuts out of the esky and leave them behind
>as a "no thanks, some of your food items are not good enough for me even
>when they are free" gesture.
Allergy smallergy, cos I have a plan.
>Anyway have a great Easter weekend climbing folks, and don't pinch things
>from other people. It's bad manners and karma will get you one day.
Karma takes too long.
This easter I'm gunna take 2 eskies.
The one I leave out will have spinich and ratsack quiche in it, plus desert puddings dripping in lovely roundup sauce.
The other larger esky hidden in the car will have the beer.
29-Mar-2015 7:18:01 PM
Our theft was in the Rosea / Stony Creek Rd area. Lots of general punter traffic I suppose, but still disappointing behaviour.