On 1/08/2013 ryguy wrote:
>On 31/07/2013 re77 wrote:
>>the blasé and misinformed comments above are a sad reflection of a species
>>beyond hope.
>>zircon has nothing to do with titanium and in fact is most commonly used
>>by glass and ceramic companies as refractory material.
>As stated: "The WIM150 Mineral Sands Project is proposed to target heavy
>minerals to produce a variety of products including heavy mineral concentrate,
>zircon, rare earth and titanium products."
>Zircon is only one of the minerals sought. The titanium they seek is
>from rutile and illmenite which are all concentrated within the deposit.
> I'm sure these heavy minerals are also found within the grampians sandstone
>as blackish laminae where water currents sorted and separated them during
>deposition eons ago.
>Iluka had exploration plans here some time ago but the rutile market crashed
>and funding for project was reserved. However, I doubt it made the price
>of Titanium bolts for Thailand any cheaper.
I don't claim to be an expert on this project, but seeing this morally superior douchenozzle who created a chockstone account just to impose his opinion on us, GET SCHOOLED, has been the highlight of my day.
I'm sure no amount of evidence on mitigation of the environmental impact of this project, could sway this person from their default opinion that mining is bad, or convince them to give up all consumer products that contain these materials, such as their smartphone, their bicycle, their Prius, or their f-ing windows!