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The long weekend offered promise of good weather and
great company amidst the atmospheric pines campground of Mt Arapiles, and
it delivered all this and more. Though the days were hot and dry, we
managed to tick a variety of quality routes.
Above Right: Saracen 114m Grade 16. Above
Left: Peter leading the first pitch of Saracen. Left:
Pitch one of Oceaniod, 45m Grade 17, the route sits under the monster overhang on the
front of the Pharos and is protected from the rain. Pitch 2 is optional
making the whole route 75m. Next
route of the trip we took on pitch one of "Oceaniod", 45m, grade
17, the extremely attractive line leading up the front of the Pharos. I'd
lead this one once before and was freaked by the intimidating roof crux.
Whilst I managed a clean onsight, I'd been wanting to return and lead it
again in an effort to determine whether my previous difficulties were indeed all psychological. This
theory proved correct. The crux mini-roof, with its masses of chalked up
slide pull slopers (see picture above right), lack of foot holds and less than obvious protection
must have fuelled my fears. Leading it for a second time, with the unknown
no longer a mystery, the crux proved easy enough to despatch. It's
protectable if you reach up high before committing and slot a nut (#5 wallnut
size, see picture above right), underneath the mini-roof. Laybacking on a big, sharp edge
tooth-like hold, the chalk seems to lure you high into crimps and finger
locks, but if you resist and let your weight sit low, there's a big horn
that can be utilised making the moves that much easier. One great thing about this line is that a huge roof the size of double car garage (which you ultimately traverse around) covers the whole first pitch causing the route to be sheltered from the rain and the sun. An excellent line to reserve for a rainy day. For
a hot curry, we dined at the Bagdad Cafe in Horsham the eve of
the first night, then returned to camp site for much needed sleep. In the
morn, some of the team headed off to Bush Ranger Bluff, but Ben and I
decided to take on some 18's. We hit "XI" first up, the 30m
grade 18 on the left of Fang Buttress, behind the Plaque block. XI
is a superb climb, well worth braving the first few moves that can only be
protected with RPs. Really, it doesn't get difficult until you're
committed to the crack above. Evidence of bolts that have been chopped
exists, which is fair enough in my opinion - it's a trad line. When the
crack starts to disappear, traverse right on good holds (small aliens will
go in a horizontal crack here), then storm the pumpy finish on jugs. On our day the wind was howling a gale, threatening to pluck us off the wall and making communications near impossible. We debated what to do next, thinking maybe wind would be less elsewhere, but we stuck to our plan and headed over to Eurydice. It proved a good call. Above Right: "XI" single pitch grade 18 on Fang Buttress is a pumpy but rewarding line. Left: Eurydice, 70m grade 18 runs up the Plaque side of Bard Buttress and is a hoot of a climb. Eurydice, the 70m, 2 pitch grade 18, was an excellent choice. I'd lead it once before and offered to take the first pitch, which is slightly more consistent for the grade. There are definitely grade 18 moves to overcome, but with good pro and lots of rest stances this is a low stress 18. A real adventure climb, rather than a sporty line. There's a rusty bolt on the first pitch at one cruxy
section fairly early on (so bring a bolt plate), but the real fun is
topping out of P1 to the belay ledge. Here you'll find a rusty piton, at
least one fixed hex, and perhaps on old sling or two. However, the moves
are more psychological than physical. Gaining the belay ledge there's
another rusty piton, but good pro exists for the belay. Right: Me leading
P1 of Eurydice, and me belaying a top same. Watch the Ben romped up the 2nd pitch, giving us a thoroughly rewarding tick. The opening moves of pitch 2 are the crux, so get some good gear in right off the bat. The grade then eases off with another tricky section before a cruise finish up onto the enormous party ledge. From here you can "walk" off left (read very careful solo) and join Ali's decent via a short, but potentially dangerous downclimb. Alternatively you could fly up the last pitch of the Bard, and descend down Ali's that way. We were pretty shagged out from the heat at this
stage so when the gang reformed there was mutual interest in a drive to
the lake at Toolondo for a swim and a barbeque tea. Arh, such optimistic
grins shone forth upon the faces of our gleeful band. With a quick stop
for icy- poles, we hit the lake, rushing out onto the white sandy beach to
encounter.... nothing. Or more specifically the complete and total lack of
the glorious swimming we had anticipated. In it's stead lay a puddle with
knee deep black mud, rotting weed, and the claw like talons of dead trees
rising up out of the murky depths to pierce our disillusioned souls. Through a combination of desperation and mutual competitiveness our intrepid explorers waded out into the inky swill, like pilgrims blindly searching for a salvation that was not to be found. The shallow muck got no deeper than waist high. Not to be deterred we washed off the stink under the picnic ground taps and proceeded to cook up a feast. Good food and good company soon replenished our spirits, and we return to Araps late at night dreaming of the morrow's climbs. Left: The white beach and lack of water at
Lake Toolondo. If you want a swim in the late summer, this is not the
place to go. Above Right: The dilapidated Toolondo general store,
sporting it's "Keep Out" sign, definitely not open for business.
Below Right: Me leading Death Row the intimating
45m grade 18 near the Pharos. If you onsight this grade I suggest you give
it a lash, because it's not as bad as it looks. Said
morrow found us debating which line to pick. I had often eyed Death Row,
the 45m grade 18 on Death Row Pinnacle just left of the Pharos, but had
thus far been intimidated by the look of it's mini-roof. A general consensus
opted that I should lead it. (Thanks guys). The roof is described in the
guide as "the infamous condemned cell" and "the bottomless
sentry box". It looks hellishly impressive from the ground. A chalked
up cave with three walls and a roof, but no floor. I geared up nervously,
but the expected flailing was not to occur. The line went smoothly, almost
too smoothly and I was shortly on the top. However a quick look at the
gear I'd placed (15 pieces in the first 30 metres), gave silent testimony
to my expectation for trouble. A manky sling can be clipped before launching into the roof. A wild stem out of the cave (pictured left) gains bomber jugs from which better protection can be placed. The fun actually starts directly after this, as you commit to the face and try to move up. I'd call this part the crux, though there are a couple of other sections that demand your attention, notably a layback crack under a tiny overhang about halfway up, and a thin crack towards the top. The last 10 metres or so are a cruise. You can abseil off some slings at the rear left of the block, or brave the grade 5 downclimb. We ended the trip after lunch. All up a very enjoyable weekend, made all the more so by the nine of us sharing each others company.
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