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Climbing Media by Obe Carrion Reviewed
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Reviews by climbers, for climbers! This resource needs YOUR input. Please take the time to review the climbing books and movies you're familiar with. If the media is not below, just add it.

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Non-Fiction    Push For The Summit

***** VD Big Up: Bouldering in the Gunks - (Doco) Birth of the East Coast bouldering revolution
**** DV Dosage (Volume 2) - (Doco) Hard boulders and deep water soloing
*** VD Free Hueco! - (Doco) Boulderers. Terrifying topouts and gut wrenching falls.
***** VD Frequent Flyers - (Doco) The best bouldering around the world
**** DV Frequent Flyers (Inc. Black Lung) - (Doco) Around the world tickets, minimal luggage, a crash pad climbing shoes and chalk
***** VD Rampage - (Doco) Follow Sharma, Carrion and friends on an outrageous two month bouldering spree .
***** DV The Road - (Doco) From the makers of Frequent Flyers comes a whole new trip showcasing some of the new, old and just discovered areas that are shaping bouldering today. bishop, triassic, hueco, soill, and new england gunks
(No Review) VD Witness This - (Doco) Bouldering in Boone, North Carolina.

123 of 178 books, 127 of 203 movies reviewed. 564 total reviews.
reviews added in the last week.


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