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17 Down Under: 17 DOWN UNDER. "A celebration of moderate grade climbing in Victoria". 184 pages. 285 images. Father & son team, Steve & John Morris, embark on a journey to climb and photograph 50 of the best rock climbs in Victoria, grade 17 & under. Inc bookmark  $50.00
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Climbing Media by Lynn Hill Reviewed
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Reviews by climbers, for climbers! This resource needs YOUR input. Please take the time to review the climbing books and movies you're familiar with. If the media is not below, just add it.

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Narratives    Push For The Summit

**** BK Climbing Free - My Life in the Vertical World. Lynn Hill Autobiography.

Non-Fiction    Push For The Summit

(No Review) VD Beyond Gravity - (Doco) Many of North America's top climbers on rock, ice, aid, alpine.
(No Review) VD Big Stone - (Doco) Trad climbing in Yosemite Valley and Zion Canyon
** VD Climb - (Doco) America's top rock climbers in Hueco Tanks, The Diamond, Tennesse Wall, etc.
***** VD Free Climbing - The Nose - (Doco) Lynn Hill climbs The Nose of El Cap all free in a day.
(No Review) VD Madagascar - A Womans First Ascent - (Doco) An all-star team of women climbers challenges the big walls of Madagascar
(No Review) VD Moving Over Stone - (Doco) Learn the basic moves, then take a climbing trip
***** DV Vertical Frontier - A history of the Art, Sport, and Philosophy of Rock Climbing in Yosemite.
**** DV Yosemite: Ascending Rhythm - (Doco) Climbers in Yosemite

Instructional    Push For The Summit

*** DV Pro Tips Volume One - Professional climbers share their tricks of the trade.

123 of 178 books, 127 of 203 movies reviewed. 564 total reviews.
reviews added in the last week.


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