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FYI Chockstoners - this weeks deletions, etc. |
27-Jan-2017 9:35:17 PM
New user ID Jamie Van Haren disabled, and 3 of 4 spam posts for his new website (gym) workout planner deleted.
The fourth made some sense so I broke the link within it, but left it on our site.
28-Jan-2017 7:58:58 AM
Lkbbb user ID disabled 28/01/17, and gym spam link deleted from their post.
30-Jan-2017 7:42:23 AM
Hey mods, joyce111 just sent me the spammiest PM ever. Something about her husband putting $4 million in a bank account in Ghana before he died and if I help her out I can have it. She has cancer so it's urgent. etc...
30-Jan-2017 8:13:16 AM
To late she said she is already giving it to me.
30-Jan-2017 9:33:21 AM
Joyce is mine Rod, you're married.
30-Jan-2017 9:33:45 AM
User joyce111 disabled, but not before I replied and she agreed to give me the $4 million. ;-)
30-Jan-2017 11:14:39 AM
she told me that to. Shes from Ghana, not like its a Nigerian scam.
3-Feb-2017 5:13:32 PM
k6767kk disabled and link to sales for inflatable mattress deleted 03/02/2017
8-Feb-2017 8:57:35 PM
James1234 user id disabled, and cleaning spam deleted 08/02/17.
17-Feb-2017 11:28:41 AM
smithvictor043 user id disabled, and sports shop link deleted 17/02/17
22-Feb-2017 7:21:27 AM
User ID hubbardalicia disabled and 2 x medical spam posts deleted 22/02/17.
3-Mar-2017 8:22:20 PM
User markodgers disabled and fake id spam deleted 03/03/17.
6-Mar-2017 11:35:28 AM
timesinnews user ID disabled and two media spam posts deleted 06/03/17.
11-Mar-2017 2:46:38 PM
AmericaHackers user-id disabled, and 3 x ATM-hacking spam posts deleted 11/03/17.
18-Mar-2017 5:10:00 PM
User id johnmery disabled and sports tape spam deleted 18/03/17.
User ThomasZeN disabled (nike spam) 18/03/17.
User timothyxt3 disabled (gay porn spam) 18/03/17.
User Curtisoi disabled (adidas spam) 18/03/17.
User kysievxg disabled (clothing spam) 18/03/17.
User kwsieumq disabled (clothing spam) 18/03/17.
User kjsiebsu disabled (more clothing spam) 18/03/17.
User kysiehri disabled (still more clothing spam) 18/03/17.
User NonnaCoxjam disabled (unlimited energy spam) 18/03/17, though maybe I shouldn't have done that one so quickly, as I could use an energy recharge after todays spam onslaught!
User martineg2 disabled (gay porn spam again) 18/03/17.
Will there be another attempt today?? - THIS SPACE RESERVED, if they do...
18-Mar-2017 6:32:18 PM
Wow. I'm sorry its been such a busy day.
18-Mar-2017 11:32:55 PM
Sorry I wasn't online today to help delete and lock accounts!
21-Mar-2017 8:41:55 PM
User ID Zdorovayweisa disabled (Russian drug addict rehab centre spam) 21/03/17.
I am also keeping a close eye on User ID's MickeyTanner, jokergreen0220, and glittalogik; who joined Chockstone in the last few days but are looking suspicious to me*, though haven't stepped out of line by spamming us (yet?)...
(*They could be legitimate, but after the recent spam onslaught my spam detectors are still tingling and may be overly-sensitive!)
22-Mar-2017 5:31:54 PM
Piptidisairm disabled 22/03 looked like it was going to post SPAM based on the user details similar to Zdorovayweisa
I suspect johnmery will SPAM too...
[Mod edit: Already got johnmery, the " knowledge gainer and provider" back on the 18th, for sports tape etc. It was that one which triggered the spamslide!]
24-Mar-2017 12:50:31 PM
Can the join up process not be made more difficult?