Author |
FYI Chockstoners - this weeks deletions, etc. |
17-May-2017 6:42:23 PM
User ID Shanaya disabled, and their post about cruise ships deleted 17/05/17.
18-May-2017 6:01:14 PM
User ID William65 disabled and passport cover spam deleted 18/05/17.
User Jameshaiden disabled and cleaning spam deleted 18/05/17.
21-May-2017 9:59:54 PM
User ID tony77 disabled and fake documents spam deleted 21/05/17.
22-May-2017 10:48:22 AM
User ID charley77 disabled and fake English Language Certificates spam deleted 22/05/17.
22-May-2017 3:14:38 PM
On 22/05/2017 dalai wrote:
>User ID charley77 disabled and fake English Language Certificates spam
>deleted 22/05/17.
Good onU daliah. 11 ouwerz an keepn em honest, tho soundz like e came rite bakatcha; but woz it tha same 1 az gotcha previusly?
[Moderator edit: Answer is most likely yes.]
25-May-2017 11:48:02 PM
Update for another Moderator: user ID amazingz disabled and 2 x spam posts deleted 25/05/17.
27-May-2017 11:23:26 PM
Update for another Moderator: user Rekhash disabled and spam (packers & movers) deleted 27/05/17.
Also I just now disabled user ID surbhish and deleted associated removalist spam 27/05/17.
30-May-2017 2:01:58 AM
User ID aychaufferedcars pre-emptively* disabled 30/05/17.
(*Unusual join-up details triggered my spammer detectors).
Post edit: Later (0945 hrs) when I had more time, I searched around the internet a bit and confirmed the user as a commercial entity, so the disablement remains.
30-May-2017 10:28:21 PM
User ID Phoibos disabled and spam regarding growing medicinal cannabis deleted.
31-May-2017 4:03:07 AM
User ID kontactyhsf disabled 31/05/17. Russian commercial rubbish.
6-Jun-2017 5:48:27 PM
User ID priyasharma disabled 06/06/17. Bangalore packers...
7-Jun-2017 4:25:22 AM
User ID scottpapers1 disabled and two spam fake documents posts with links (including totally authentic belay diplomas and lead climbing degrees - valid anywhere), deleted.
7-Jun-2017 9:26:22 AM
On 7/06/2017 Chockstone Moderator wrote:
>User ID scottpapers1 disabled and two spam fake documents posts with links
>(including totally authentic belay diplomas and lead climbing degrees -
>valid anywhere), deleted.
Please forward details to Stugang for his Singapore sojourn and a number of posters in the Queensland accident thread who are clearly a danger to themselves and others!
8-Jun-2017 5:47:28 PM
User ID monikajain disabled 0806/17. Indian Packers...
9-Jun-2017 10:02:07 PM
User ID AnaviSH disabled 09/06/17. Indian Packers again...
14-Jun-2017 9:28:40 PM
User ID RoyalJames disabled and spam about gymnastics deleted.
21-Jun-2017 8:05:25 PM
User ID Jiyas disabled and Caribbean cruise spam deleted 21/06/17.
23-Jun-2017 9:33:09 AM
User ID foxyclubenfl preemptively disabled (Russian porn merchant), 23/06/17.
24-Jun-2017 9:36:43 PM
User ID lucasio8 disabled and novelty certificates spam deleted 24/06/17.
This one waited two days after registering to post, in an attempt to bypass our spam filtering.
It didn't work.
28-Jun-2017 7:07:55 AM
User ID ieltsexpats disabled and two fake documents spam posts deleted 28/06/17.
Post edit 1115 hrs;
Another User ID disabled (mp2mmotank), and two gaming (spam) posts deleted.