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Chockstone Forum - Climbing Videos

Post links and comments about your favourite climbing flicks

(How not to) Solo Climb Multi-Pitch
3:04:29 PM
I just came across this video on Youtube, it could be a a brilliant piece of satire but sadly I think it's genuine. Do not attempt this at home.

3:33:21 PM
Did I miss something or did he say his backpack is now his anchor as he's leading the second pitch?

E. Wells
4:30:30 PM
He will keep learning. Good on him.
7:34:59 PM
Did I miss something or did he say his backpack is now his anchor as he's leading the second pitch?

I think he managed to drape his other rope over the tree in some baffling way he didn't explain. I'm sure it's totally bomber.

E. Wells
10:33:36 PM
He is using his bag to weight rope so that he can bump his prussic sling up as he goes. Kind of an anchor for that purpose. Im not going to watch it again but I got the impression he will live.. I really like when he didnt know what the quickdraws were called. Its a great video...

7:01:09 AM
Step 1. Make new belay (he uses pitons)
Step 2. Step two remove gear (abseil back to start of p1, remove all gear)
Step 3. Disassemble old belay (attach backpack to rope to self belay back up)
Step 4. Climb face and self belay
Step 5. Increase slack where necessary

Here he says he managed to climb the first pitch and there's the tree I started with and then clips the rope to what looks a lot like the piton he built the anchor with in step 1? It's not clear if or how his anchor changed to a tree when he says "You should be able to see the tree I started with" or what's going on. He says he's pulling rope from he backpack - which sounds like the backpack that's at the bottom of the first pitch given he didn't mention that it's moved?

I think we can all agree that it's a very shit instructional video given that it starts partway through the process (How do we get to the first belay safely?) and doesn't really cover a lot of the steps he's done with his system - regardless of whether it's safe or not.

12:36:05 PM
Everybody down tools and listen a minute:

Just cause you can make an instructional video doesn't mean you should. Making an instructional video does not automatically make you (a) an instructor, (b) an expert, (c) worth listening to, (d) cool. A Go Pro and an internet connection is just that, nothing more, it cannot magically increase your knowledge or talent.

Thank you, now get back to work.

12:39:06 PM
One more thing guys.

Putting the word epic in the title of something mundane and pedestrian does not somehow magically increase its stature or significance. It just remains mundane and pedestrian but now it looks silly cause you called it epic.

Ok, now get that roof finished by 3.
12:41:46 PM
I just kept hoping he'd smash himself (without dying as u wouldn't wish that on anyone). After a minute I ffwd to the end and was bitterly disappointed

12:44:56 PM
Ah Jayford, our last shining beacon of compassion and tolerance. The day you become cynical I fear society will be lost for good. keep burning the torch for all of us my dear friend.
12:15:25 AM
I think everyone should go to the original YouTube clip and read the comments there - far more constructive:

"Please take this video down it is irresponsible and dangerous. I fear for the safety of you and of the 879 people who have watched thus far. You have just enough knowledge to "Hang Yourself" and too little knowledge to be instructing others."
"Dave Soderbloom 8 months ago
- wow you are a darwin award! get some instruction don't listen to a thing he says kids"

And then check out the people who posted it - First Ascent Mountain Sports Television

As far as I can tell they have nothing to do with the First Ascent movie team...

8:20:06 AM

In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes

Eduardo Slabofvic
9:22:27 PM
I can't wait for Jayford181 and Muckys follow up movies. They would be just as useful. Just hope they're not in smell-o-vision.

8:29:36 AM
Just got around to watching this and it is nonwhere near as bad as I was expecting. There are some fantastic south American (not sure which country) absieling and rope access instructional vids around that will make run away from the computer screaming.

11:55:30 AM
On 28/12/2015 deadbudgy wrote:
>Just got around to watching this and it is nonwhere near as bad as I was
>expecting. There are some fantastic south American (not sure which country)
>absieling and rope access instructional vids around that will make run
>away from the computer screaming.

Oh, link please, I like running!
4:09:08 PM
+1, please post.

Eduardo needs to learn a few more tricks - his safety record is far too high for my liking.
9:27:41 PM
On 26/12/2015 Eduardo Slabofvic wrote:
>I can't wait for Jayford181 and Muckys follow up movies. They would be
>just as useful. Just hope they're not in smell-o-vision.

can U tie a dubble back bowline 1 handed blindfolded in tha dark?
if it aint in ur logbook it neva happnd, or ur walkin funny.

>Eduardo needs to learn a few more tricks - his safety record is far too high for my liking.

ay jay, thats coz he dont get up much these days an its hard 2 hurt urself climbing if u stay on tha ground.
11:29:18 PM
On 28/12/2015 deadbudgy wrote:
>Just got around to watching this and it is nonwhere near as bad as I was
>expecting. There are some fantastic south American (not sure which country)
>absieling and rope access instructional vids around that will make run
>away from the computer screaming
Is that the FiFi Hook cord retrievable abseil anchor?

There are 18 messages in this topic.


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