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Darebin Creek Boulders/Cleaning Help |
29-Oct-2013 1:23:32 PM
A while ago...
On 11/05/2012 shortman wrote:
>Also - found a cool little pocketed basalt wall in Preston on the Darebin
>the other day. Was good for an hour or so. Some fun little two move problems......Melbourn
> climbing at its best!
>Pretty sure I know the spot. I wasn't the first to boulder there either, know the person who >first cleaned up the problems.
>Left section could do with some RoundUp at the base. Pillar on the left below the fence has >some good height and a nice arete.
>The right wall by the track has some nice easy pocketed up problems - guessing the >topouts could do with a clean up again too.
>If what you found doesn't match my description, please ignore what I posted above... ;-)
Now that Burnley is for boulderer's...and now that I've recently moved into the area again I'm gonna clean this place up and start using it...coz last night I was actually able to cruise up and down and across the wall and get a bit of a pump, but there were thorns and loose rock and stuff everywhere.
I have had no luck with any particular wire brushes....what do the old masters recommend?
What is the best thing to get spiders/shit out of finger sized pockets? It's a bit different to cleaning granite.
Does anyone wanna lend me a chainsaw for a morning and other heavy duty gardening tools?
Does anyone who is not a boulderer wanna help?
30-Oct-2013 12:07:21 PM
On 29/10/2013 shortman wrote:
>I have had no luck with any particular wire brushes....what do the old
>masters recommend?
Don't recall anything needing wire brushes. I'd recommend broom and nylon bristle brushes if just dirt on top outs etc.
>What is the best thing to get spiders/shit out of finger sized pockets?
>It's a bit different to cleaning granite.
Liberal use of insect surface spray then toothbrushes.
>Does anyone wanna lend me a chainsaw for a morning and other heavy duty
>gardening tools?
30-Oct-2013 12:23:02 PM
Been waiting for you to pop up dalai.
Chainsaw because the left hand wall with the nice arete and a bit of an overhang has had a couple of large trees fall onto it.....
Wire brush because a lot of it has a 5-8mm layer of dirt/almost rock across it.
I'll cut everything with a hand saw if I have to.
30-Oct-2013 2:46:51 PM
I haven't been there for quite a few years, so not surprised about the trees. Not sure if it is has changed, but the ground below that section was covered with Galium aparine... Needed a liberal soaking in DDT.
Still would be wary of using wire brushes there. I knew I wasn't the first to climb there as there were a few obvious wire brush marks still scratched into a couple of footholds on the right wall.
Last time I was out there Alrob and I dug out and cleaned the top outs. I expect these grown over once again.
31-Oct-2013 10:11:41 PM
where bouts on the creek is this? if you need a hand i might be up for it..
ive just started sussing the sports buildings and highball traverse on the stadium, opposite northlands on the darebin..the bluestone building is not bad compared to the richmond bridge near hawthorn..