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Better Dreamtime Wall Access (Grampians) |
4-Jan-2012 2:00:55 PM
just wanted to share a recent discovery that there is an un-named track around 6.3km west of the usual (Henham Track) access.
This new track is also slightly rough in places but if you take it easy you can get in comfortably with a Subaru Liberty Wagon (pretty low slung). See map here (the yellow line shows the new way in, the pink line with the flags the old way along the Henham track - which is currently closed by the way):

on-line guide is here:
or you can check out Sublime climbs (recent best of Victoria guide) for high res full colour selection of the best climbs there.
I hope this is useful!
4-Jan-2012 2:10:16 PM
Do you normally advertise going into crags via gated tracks, Joe?
5-Jan-2012 7:21:35 PM
This is where all of the good work that Tracy is doing gets a big slap in the face. Jo, get a handle on your enthusiasm in going to this crag (and trying to sell your guide!). It is a gate, installed by Parks to limit access.
5-Jan-2012 8:06:07 PM
I concur.
It is a management only track.
Penalty when caught is minimum $500.00, plus costs of gate repair, visit to Old Bailey, holiday at Her Majesty's pleasure in the Crowbar Motel, blah blah...
5-Jan-2012 8:08:07 PM
Is the gate a seasonal closure or a management vehicles and walkers only? If it is the former no problems if it is the latter please don't drive on the road that gate is there for a reason.
5-Jan-2012 8:14:22 PM
Gates on roads in nat parks are Purely for conserving budget for kpi arselickers
5-Jan-2012 8:42:46 PM
Or when I install them at work for keeping people out of very high conservation value areas
7-Jan-2012 5:32:11 PM
The gate on the un-named track I am suggesting is open which is why I posted.
If it were closed of course I would not promote it.Those of you who think I would promote access to a cliff via a closed track in a public forum, and intentionally and in full knowledge or the results (i.e. put the climbing community at risk of being jailed, fined and trashing the good name we have with the custodians of the park) clearly don't know me well. I respect and admire Tracey and John Stone's commitment to working with PV. I've helped out on numerous track re-builds, and do what I can to foster the good relationship of climbers in the areas we co-habit with other users.
I forgot to mention that the gate at the Dreamtime end of this un-named cliff is closed, so you can just park there and walk the 500m or so to the usual parking area for Dreamtime.
So just to confirm this involes no law breaking and is access that is freely open to the public.
I hope that those of you who are interested in getting in there now can enjoy the many fine routes that await you.
7-Jan-2012 7:26:26 PM
My apologies. As a way of explanation when I read 'gated track' on a map it means a track with a gate across it ( ie to restrict access). A little information, such as - the gate is currently open - may in future keep the hounds chained.
7-Jan-2012 7:38:05 PM
The track shown is marked on general tourist maps as a "management vehicle only" track.
Whether the gate is open or exists at all is irrelevant.
Driving on it is still technically an offence, driving around it is definitely an offence.
If climbers are incapable of walking 500 metres maybe they should be trading their ropes and racks for something more sedentary.
10-Jan-2012 5:47:03 PM
Stealth (now Zero), - if the gate is open then I don't see why it's an offence to use the road and you have an issue?
If the gate is closed don't use it. Simple.
13-Dec-2012 5:52:51 PM
Henham Track is now open
13-Dec-2012 6:01:20 PM
Excellent news! Mainly because Joe's other way in has been gated (closed) for a while now.
13-Dec-2012 6:17:13 PM