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Mt Buffalo in December (14th onwards) |
1-Oct-2009 3:21:07 PM
anyone potentially interested in about a week or so in the beginning of december?
Had a quick look last year and would love to go back to scare myself silly and waste some skin and tape.
Climbing in the teens, but seconding a little higher =)
May or may not have a car, haven't decided if it's worth driving down from QLD for a month rather than fly and hitch..
1-Oct-2009 4:11:25 PM
I will very much keep this in my mind for December. Keep me posted.
1-Oct-2009 4:20:28 PM
I'm spending a week and a bit up there mid January...
1-Oct-2009 7:23:24 PM
Please do keep it in mind, Evan!
can't make it in Jan- I'll be in US by then..
on another note- what do you think the chances of hitching from Porepunkah up to Lake Catani are? Been a while since I hitched here, rumours are it's considerably harder and somewhat illegal these days..
I remember the drive up to the mountain being, I guess, walkable, but not quickly so =) a decent "walk-in" I guess..
1-Oct-2009 7:45:18 PM
I might be able to catch up with you. Maybe. Unless you take more of a fancy to evanbb.
1-Oct-2009 8:27:03 PM
On 1/10/2009 russianSpy wrote:
>on another note- what do you think the chances of hitching from Porepunkah
>up to Lake Catani are? Been a while since I hitched here, rumours are it's
>considerably harder and somewhat illegal these days..
>I remember the drive up to the mountain being, I guess, walkable, but
>not quickly so =) a decent "walk-in" I guess..
I would regard the chances of hitching a ride from the Porepunkah roundabout up to (at least) Buffalo Chalet as very good.
The illegality side of it seems to be disregarded in NE Vic in my opinion.
December is a-whiles-off at the moment. There are a number of local climbers who get up there regularly, particularly on weekends. Perhaps posting again closer to the date will line up a lift beforehand.
1-Oct-2009 9:46:16 PM
On 1/10/2009 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>I would regard the chances of hitching a ride from the Porepunkah roundabout
>up to (at least) Buffalo Chalet as very good.
>The illegality side of it seems to be disregarded in NE Vic in my opinion.
excellent.... that's what I want to hear coming from a local!
>December is a-whiles-off at the moment. There are a number of local climbers
>who get up there regularly, particularly on weekends. Perhaps posting again
>closer to the date will line up a lift beforehand.
it IS a long way away. I'll be away most of the time before then though, so figure it's worth sending the feelers out early, then nutting out the details closer to the date.
Plus I still haven't decided whether I'll drive or fly down, so if there's a good indication there'll be plenty of lifts on offer (more than none, basically), say... that could influence my decision
plus if I talk about it, it's more likely to happen =)
On 1/10/2009 bl@ke wrote:
>I might be able to catch up with you. Maybe. Unless you take more of a
>fancy to evanbb.
would love to see you there mate, you appear to be overdue for a new TR =))
1-Oct-2009 10:04:28 PM
will see what i can do in the wat of making it up the mount, should be a goer. Glad to see my TR's are known :)
1-Oct-2009 10:40:20 PM
we head up there pretty often, hit me on email or PM the week before and i'll let you know what's happening
4-Oct-2009 10:10:05 PM
thanks for the responses, guys
expect a PM closer to December =)
at this stage looking like the 1st and/or 2nd week, now fingers crossed this plan survives contact with reality!
19-Oct-2009 12:41:56 PM
If you can make it a week earlier i'd be in. My dates are 19nov-2/3dec.
7-Dec-2009 12:19:14 PM
so as promised - December is here, suprisingly turns up every year, just after November =)
and I'll be turning up on the mexican shores this saturday, heading up to Buffalo probably on Monday. At this stage should have a climbing partner, but the more the merrier, especially considering he hasn't been there before. and he tends to climb considerably harder grades than me, which may or may not be a problem for either.
So- is anyone going to be there, are interested in saying g'day and joining in for some easy/moderate/hard climbs depending on weather, mood, moon in the appropriate sector and the number of people that actually do end up in the same place at the same time.
7-Dec-2009 12:58:35 PM
On 1/10/2009 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>>I would regard the chances of hitching a ride from the Porepunkah roundabout
>up to (at least) Buffalo Chalet as very good.
>The illegality side of it seems to be disregarded in NE Vic in my opinion.
When/why/how did it become illegal, is this in all Victoria, or just in the national park?
7-Dec-2009 1:53:49 PM
according to and the numerous friends that have looked at me like I was an asylum escapee when hearing my reply to "so how did you get here?":
Hitchhiking is illegal in Queensland and Victoria. The law basically says that you cannot stand on a roadway (including the shoulder) where you may obstruct traffic. However this interpretation of the law suggests that it is OK to hitch from a footpath or the grassy area beside the road.
Elsewhere in Australia it is illegal to hitchhike on motorways (where pedestrians are prohibited and where cars are not allowed to stop). Find a safe spot before a motorway entrance and hitch from there.
7-Dec-2009 3:09:00 PM
On 7/12/2009 mikl law wrote:
>On 1/10/2009 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>>>I would regard the chances of hitching a ride from the Porepunkah roundabout
>>up to (at least) Buffalo Chalet as very good.
>>The illegality side of it seems to be disregarded in NE Vic in my opinion.
>When/why/how did it become illegal, is this in all Victoria, or just in
>the national park?
From the VicRoads, and also Victorian Legislation & Parliamentary Documents websites...
Road Safety Act 1986
No. 127 of 1986
Sch. 2
Traffic regulation
43. Rules to be observed by drivers, people in charge of
animals, vehicles or trailers, and pedestrians.
To view the penalties that will come into effect as of November 2009 visit the Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents website, select 'Victorian Statute Book', then 'List Statutory Rules by Title', then '2009', scroll down and select 'Road Safety (General) Regulations 2009'. The various penalties are outlined in Schedule 7 of those regulations.
(~> didthehomeworkforyamikl Heh, heh, heh)
Road Safety (General) Regulations 2009
Sch. 7
S.R. No. 115/2009
Item No. 299
Code 2248
Summary of infringement offence; Person on road to solicit contributions or employment, hitchhike, sell, clean etc.
Prescribed infringement offence; RR 236(4) and 401
Infringement penalty; 0.5 penalty unit
(sidenote; … many parking penalties are only 0.2 units!, and wheeled recreational devices attract similar fine of 0.5 penalty unit if used improperly)
The Road Safety (General) Regulations 2009, S.R. No. 115/2009 were made
on 29 September 2009 by the Lieutenant-Governor as the Governor's deputy
with the advice of the Executive Council under section 95 of the Road
Safety Act 1986, No. 127/1986 and came into operation on
9 November 2009: regulation 3.
All road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders, should be aware of Victoria’s road rules, whether visiting the State or living here permanently.
~> yeah, we live in a nanny state!