25-Jun-2007 4:41:42 PM
Well myself and JP are back from our little excursion to WA.
Scored a deal on a car when we arrived, got a Nissan X-trail for the same price as a compact hatch (Saved over $170). Pays to make the sales people laugh!!!
Drove down to Marg river, camped by the side of the coast to coast trail (in a shelter!!!) then a day in the rain at Wallcliffe.
Next day was the long slog into Bob's hollow, some crazy antics by myself and mainly JP, then decided to try the cliff top walk out. Low and behold the coast-coast trail goes right to bobs hollow (not in the guide book)
Drove from there to Albany via the valley of the giants (great scenery). Some Bouldering at Dog rock and then Baylac at Peak dome.
After this we drove back up to Marg and another day at Wallcliffe, then back to Perth and home
plenty of fun and none of the Sydney storms!!!!!
For photo's check http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisfox/
also go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/63308961@N00/
now back to wonderfully wet sydney!!!
Chris and JP