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Has anyone climbed at "The Workshop"? |
27-May-2014 6:54:51 AM
has anyone climbed at the workshop? (Wonderland range)? I can't find my very old wonderland ranges guide and hoping someone may have a copy they can help send me some info on.
Not sure if the VCC can help but there may be some info in an old Argus?
I started writing up some info here a while back but never finished it:
Any info appreciated.
27-May-2014 8:52:08 AM
What do you need Joe? The first couple of pages of The Workshop are duplicated in my wonderland ranges guide...
1-Jun-2014 10:39:17 AM
Hi Joe
Link below consolidates the three existing guides for The Workshop ("Climber’s Handbook to the Wonderland Range and Halls Gap Area" by Bill Andrews, "The Wonderland Supplement" by Bill Andrews and "The Wonderland Range - A Rock Guide" by Chris Baxter):
The Wonderland Supplement included most routes, though Baxter's guide had one addition route and some aid eliminations. I have checked the VCC site and Rock magazines (since the Rock Guide was published) and there appears to have been no further routes published since Baxter's guide in 1999.
The document is my working notes so does not come with a guarantee of reliability! The document is public and anyone with the link can view. In my view, the route descriptions are also public and people are free to use them, though I would appreciate knowing where so they can be kept up to date. The aim is to move the routes onto a public route register, such as 'The Crag'.
The other thing that I would encourage is that any new routes and updates are published (or publicised) through the VCC. This makes pulling routes together and updating public route registers so much easier.
Joe, you are welcome to have edit rights to the document. (The diagram and photo on the ACA site are nice and it would be a shame for them to disappear with the site!) Leave a message here and PM me your details. You are also welcome to add the routes to 'The Crag' (or wherever) and work from there. What have you got in store for us at The Workshop? ;)
Glen D