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2-Jun-2008 9:25:35 AM
Just so the southerners can lend a supporting voice to our cause, check this out........
2-Jun-2008 9:52:33 AM
Added my name to the supporters list. Thanks for the head's up and best of luck getting the authorities to see sense!
2-Jun-2008 9:57:02 AM
Just signed the history...EPA and Nat Parks officials never make a good mix...good luck in the fight but looks like an up hill battle...."Absolute power corrupts absolutely"....and it looks like you have hit the beaurecratic brick wall.
2-Jun-2008 10:08:16 AM
>To learn more about what this actually means click here.
(... on home page), ... link seems to be broken.
I signed up too.
Also find it a bit disturbing the old 'geologically unstable' argument trotted out, and am still peeved at the loss of Crookneck, so am happy to support against being over-run by bureaucratic bs.
2-Jun-2008 12:14:01 PM
From reading the history, it seems there was an existing walking trail to the cave. Presumably its used reletively frequently by users other than climbers. I cant help but think stashing gear in the cave, and leaving quickdraws and ropes hanging of routes was tempting fate. Still, it looks like a great climbing area. Would be a shame if were lost.
2-Jun-2008 1:44:24 PM
The cave is out of view from the walking track. One of the reasons the gear was relatively safe during storage. During my one visit to the cave we came upon 3 different walking parties who were quite frequent users of the mountain. They all tolds us they were completely oblivious to the activities. So any claim about user conflict is bunk.
2-Jun-2008 2:47:41 PM
Fair enough.
3-Jun-2008 9:20:14 AM
Just on that Crookneck issue, there is moves afoot to open access back up. Bit hush hush at mo but it is being worked on with goodwill on both sides.
Back on Flinders, the more numbers we can get the better. We are not going to take this lying down. We will fight this as far as it goes. This is a very dangerous precedent that the autoritahs have been looking at establishing. If they win this one then there is nothing stopping them from transferring their techniques to other cliffs.
3-Jun-2008 9:40:22 AM
Thanks for the Crook feedback Phil, ... heh, heh, heh.
Please post further developments when appropriate as it sounds like good news indeed.
Supporters list is up from approx 30 yesterday to 120 today, which is encouraging to see.
(... also noted the broken link has been removed).