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Climbing trip used as a date - thoughts? |
23-May-2007 10:49:06 PM
Okay, so I've got a delemma. There's this cute guy that I want to take on a climbing trip. Which is more
romantic: sport climbing or trad climbing?
What's everyone's opinion? Which am I more likely to get lucky with?
Carn BomberPro and everyone else, join me is some more whimsical banter. Help a young lass out (or
an old hag depending on which side of my age you're on).
Looking forward to the response. The date's scheduled for four weeks from me get lucky
23-May-2007 10:51:33 PM
easy multipitch tradding. no contest.
which route shall we do then?
btw hexy (rip) had some great ideas about climbing dates... ill see if i can dig up some old posts
23-May-2007 10:57:49 PM
24-May-2007 12:01:52 AM
Hi PK. How's the knitting going?
Funnily enough I have a similar problem.
Anyway firstly, I think you have to make sure he likes knitting. you should start with a knitting date and then move onto more adventurous exploits. he'd really be impressed by your creativity and handiwork.
I think sport for the first date/trip. You'll be too stressed out and tired after trad and this will jeopardise the main point of the date/trip which is ......
good luck. I wish you well. Is this man a climber? available? What's your plan? Are you going to ask him or just kidnap him, bundle him into your 4-wheeler, throw him on a rope and and make him your belay slave until death do you part?
24-May-2007 12:02:06 AM
mmm i second that, looong trad multipitches!
24-May-2007 12:35:31 AM
On 24/05/2007 Sabu wrote:
>mmm i second that, looong trad multipitches!
with plenty of scope for becoming benighted!
24-May-2007 8:24:30 AM
Definitely long multipitch on some obscure crag where nobody goes.
24-May-2007 8:37:42 AM
On 24/05/2007 TLockwood wrote:
>On 24/05/2007 Sabu wrote:
>>mmm i second that, looong trad multipitches!
>with plenty of scope for becoming benighted!
I heard of a bloke who managed to get himself benighted at Moonarie in a party of him and 4 girls... apparently they had to huddle together to stay warm...
24-May-2007 8:47:29 AM
Easy, mulyipitch, trad is definately the go.
When I first started going out with my first wife we climbed Cave Climb, a 3 pitch grade 13 at Narrowneck in the Bluies. We were the only ones at the crag, the view was great and so was the weather. She loved it and even though we ended up doing quite a bit of climbing together, she always wanted to go back and do Cave Climb when we went up the hill. I think we ended up climbing it 8 times over the 7 years we were together.
On another note. Getting benighted is seldom romantic. I got benighted with two girls once returning from a canyoning trip.We had to hudddle together. It wasn't romantic. It was bloody cold.Brrrrrr
24-May-2007 8:47:47 AM
On 24/05/2007 Sabu wrote:
>mmm i second that, looong trad multipitches!
Yup seconded also. Nothing beats it.
Prefer Knitting- is this guy already some sort of climber or will this be a totally new thing for him? Cos that will make a difference.
The problem with doing some sort of difficult sport route(s) is that most likely you'll look more macho than he is...
24-May-2007 9:26:32 AM
>most likely you'll look more macho than he is...
how do you deal with that in your relationship? it mustn't be easy having such a girlyman for a bf
maybe a few protein shakes would see him well? ;D
24-May-2007 9:32:17 AM
On 24/05/2007 mousey wrote:
>>most likely you'll look more macho than he is...
>how do you deal with that in your relationship? it mustn't be easy having
>such a girlyman for a bf
>maybe a few protein shakes would see him well? ;D
hahaha u biatch. sabu can outclimb me any day, specially on slippery handjam cracks! Anyway who are u calling 'girlyman' u pansy sport climber?! ;P
24-May-2007 9:37:34 AM
>sabu can climb me any day, specially on slippery handjam cracks!
i dont wanna know about that steph!!
24-May-2007 9:38:21 AM
On 24/05/2007 mousey wrote:
>>sabu can climb me any day, specially on slippery handjam cracks!
>i dont wanna know about that steph!!
save it 4 the magical land mouse
24-May-2007 10:12:04 AM
It's really quite simple as guys are quite simple when you boil it down.
1) Arrange date making it clear you will drive.
2) Pick him up but make sure the entire inside of your car except for one small area for driving vision is covered with hardcore p0rnography.
3) Garnish liberally with an assortment of strategiaclly placed s3x toys.
4) Greet him with the line "i hope you bought a lot of water because its going to be a long day"
Guaranteed results*.
* Disclaimer: This may contain traces of nuts.
24-May-2007 10:15:10 AM
On 24/05/2007 BadBrad of the Isles wrote:
>It's really quite simple as guys are quite simple when you boil it down.
>1) Arrange date making it clear you will drive.
>2) Pick him up but make sure the entire inside of your car except for
>one small area for driving vision is covered with hardcore p0rnography.
>3) Garnish liberally with an assortment of strategiaclly placed s3x toys.
>4) Greet him with the line "i hope you bought a lot of water because its
>going to be a long day"
>Guaranteed results*.
>* Disclaimer: This may contain traces of nuts.
**shake my head in concerned disbelief**
24-May-2007 10:28:05 AM
Take him hard redpointing - that's hot.
24-May-2007 10:42:40 AM
Is he religious ??
Christian Crack is always a hard one to get, but well worth it in the end...; )
Experienced ??
The vairied positons of "Karma Sutra" in the bluffs, make sure you takes lots of protection cause you don't want to take any chances.... ; )
Alternative / Mixed style ?
It runs out a little bit at the start but Golden Showers and group s#x could be some romantical fun as long as you don't have annoying bush walkers watching you do it....
Or if he is "thay way" inclined perhaps take him to P.C in Nowra for some good clean honest fun ; P
24-May-2007 10:58:56 AM
haha yeh nowra names are a little more 'to the point'
for example, lets examine a single wall....
too hot to stop
slap that butt
make me sweat
cleave the meat
dick me raw
squeeze me hard
roger the goat
uncertainty pleasure
slave to the rythym
cheap route
24-May-2007 11:10:28 AM
don't worry about scaring the pants off people or making them uncomfortable (taking a sweeping generalisation of people thats probably wrong a lot of the time..), even though it might make them a bit queesy at the time once you've been through something together with someone it can make a big difference about how you get along.
so- either they'll be scared at the very thought of you or you'll be best buddies afterwards. guaranteed results!