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30-Aug-2006 12:30:44 PM
or rather... tall storytellers.... name names, who is the climber most likely to embelish their climbing adventures for the sake of a good story and recount some of those stories. It would be nice to read...
30-Aug-2006 6:27:11 PM
everyone, it's human nature to embelish...!!
30-Aug-2006 8:37:51 PM
that would be me>>>
never let the truth get in the way of a good story
1-Sep-2006 9:48:29 PM
How much grog and campfire time have you got PK?
>and recount some of those stories. It would be nice to read...
~ Try the Chockstone Short Stories thread perhaps?
15-Nov-2006 1:30:46 PM
After doing abit of research... I nominate Simey. Some of his stories int eh guide book are reall hooters.
15-Nov-2006 2:16:43 PM
id love to see some of those stories in say...crux? just a thought... :)
15-Nov-2006 6:07:25 PM
On 15/11/2006 PreferKnitting wrote:
>After doing abit of research... I nominate Simey. Some of his stories int
>eh guide book are reall hooters.
What, Simey tells stories about hooters, bring em on. Pics too please for the page five girl. ;))
15-Nov-2006 11:45:57 PM
If only I did have some stories about hooters. It is lonely living up here in Natimuk.
As for tall stories... I think Glenn Tempest is your man. His stories are probably 70% truth and 30% embelishment.
16-Nov-2006 10:08:42 AM
>If only I did have some stories about hooters.
... you could rename your establishment the Hooter Cafe and encourage patrons to read books while partaking of gourmet scoff?
>It is lonely living up here in Natimuk.
Sounds like you need to recruit at The Pines ?
... maybe PreferKnitting can help out?
Heh, heh, heh.
16-Nov-2006 11:23:14 AM
Glenn T has previously volunteered to recount stories for the cost of beers. More beers=more stories. The possibility of adversely impacting Simey's rule regarding the embellishment ratio needs to be considered.
17-Nov-2006 10:03:44 AM
On 16/11/2006 M9iswhereitsat wrote:
>It is lonely living up here in Natimuk.
>Sounds like you need to recruit at The Pines ?
>... maybe PreferKnitting can help out?
>Heh, heh, heh.
Ah, no hooters here mate. Just knitting sticks. If you're into them, I might oblige and showyou my knitting sticks.
17-Nov-2006 10:09:26 AM
>I might oblige and showyou my knitting sticks.
Can you stick clip with them (sport) ?
Can you cheat stick with them (aid) ?
... c'mon try your hand at a tall story !
Heh, heh, heh.
17-Nov-2006 2:07:32 PM
I seem to recall in an earlier thread about washing ropes Mr Box recomended "Stick your rope in a lingerie bag...".
Still not sure if that was a tall one about the biggest pair of knickers hes ever seen or just meant to scare people.
18-Nov-2006 5:56:19 PM
On 17/11/2006 NEVERCLIMBED32 wrote:
>I seem to recall in an earlier thread about washing ropes Mr Box recomended
>"Stick your rope in a lingerie bag...".
Nope, that one is true. no tall stories here.